
The Book - Push For Change Chapter 7- 7.1 Prologue: The Dystopian South Africa (2025)

 7.1 Prologue: The Dystopian South Africa (2025). Year: 2034. South Africa, once a vibrant rainbow nation, now lay shackled in the iron grip of a dystopian nightmare. A symphony of decay played out across the barren landscape, where crumbling remnants of a prosperous past stood as silent monuments to a bygone era. The air throbbed with the rhythm of despair, and the land, scarred by the insatiable greed of the corrupt, bore testament to the collapse of a once proud nation.

In the heart of this desolate tableau, the skeletons of a once-great city loomed like phantoms of a forgotten prosperity. Towering skyscrapers, now skeletal frames stripped bare, cast long shadows over streets that once pulsed with life. Now, they lay desolate, haunted by the ghosts of a population left to fend for themselves.

The government, a puppet master of corruption and scandal, had dissolved into dust, leaving the nation in a state of utter anarchy. The diverse tapestry of its people, once woven together by a spirit of unity, now lay tattered and torn, shredded by the selfish pursuits of those who had abandoned their duty to lead. The economy lay in tatters, a victim of avarice and mismanagement. The threads of society had
unraveled, leaving behind a patchwork of despair and suffering.

Amidst this bleak canvas, a solitary figure emerged, a lone flame flickering in the encroaching darkness. Sazar, a woman possessed of an indomitable spirit, surveyed the devastation with eyes that mirrored the sorrow and determination that gnawed at her soul. She bore witness to the suffering of her people, their collective agony a heavy burden on her heart. It was in this abyss of despair that Sazar made a choice, a decision that would rewrite the narrative of her destiny and that of an entire nation. With a desperate plea echoing through the desolate streets, she called upon a force beyond the mortal realm, a power that resided in the celestial spheres, to intervene and rescue a land gasping for its final breath.

Little did she know that her fervent prayer had pierced the veil of the heavens, stirring the very fabric of creation. The stage was set for a tale of resurrection, a journey into the heart of darkness that promised a dawn where hope would bloom anew. The bag of twelve "Power Crystals" awaited, a beacon of light in the encroaching shadows, ready to guide Sazar on her odyssey towards a brighter future. The saga was about to begin.

7.2 The Cry for Help

In the hollow belly of the night, where the moon cast pale shadows upon the land like a mother weeping over a lost child, stood Sazar. Her once vibrant eyes, now dulled by the dust of despair, scanned the desolate landscape where the skeletal remains of a city once stood, a testament to the dreams that had been devoured by greed and folly.

Around her, the air hung heavy with the weight of a thousand unspoken sorrows. The survivors, their faces etched with the lines of hardship, moved through the ruins like ghosts haunting their own demise. Even the wind, whispering through the shattered windows of abandoned homes, seemed to carry a mournful melody.

Suddenly, a spark ignited in the depths of Sazar's soul, a defiance against the encroaching darkness. Raising her voice, a voice that cracked with both despair and determination, she called out into the desolate night: "Jesus!"

Her cry, a single word that resonated with the grief of a nation, pierced the veil of silence. It was a plea, a raw and desperate cry for help, a prayer offered not for herself but for the land that was once her home. "Jesus," she whispered again, the name carrying the weight of a million unspoken prayers. "If you can hear me, if you can see the pain etched into the heart of this land, we need you. South Africa needs you. Our leaders have led us astray, and the people are lost. Bring hope where there is despair, bring light to our darkest hour."

As her words faded into the night, a hush fell upon the ruins, deeper than the silence that had come before. The wind held its breath, and the stars, though dim and distant, seemed to tilt their heads in silent acknowledgment. An unknown echo, a celestial response to Sazar's plea, rumbled through the night. The skeletal city, bathed in the sudden glow of a celestial light, seemed to come alive with a forgotten hope. It was a sign, a cosmic promise that her cry for help had not been lost in the vastness of the universe.

In the heart of Sazar, a tiny seed of hope sprouted, nourished by the divine spark that had descended from the heavens. She knew, with a certainty that transcended mortal understanding, that her journey had just begun. The bag of twelve "Power Crystals", a beacon of hope in the darkness, awaited its rightful custodian, and Sazar, armed with faith and fueled by a newfound purpose, was ready to embark on a mission that would defy the boundaries between heaven and earth.

The night, once steeped in despair, was now pregnant with possibility. The stage was set, the actors ready, and the curtain was about to rise on a drama of redemption, a tale of hope woven from the threads of despair. The odyssey of Sazar, a lone voice against the darkness, had begun.

Isaac Khondelayo

(Push For Change)
